Super organised!

We all know how much of a pain it is when you’re trying to get ready in the morning and want to wear that particular necklace but it’s tangled up in a ball and is just not worth the ten minutes of untangling. That’s why I like to keep my accessories and things tidy and easy to grab when I need them.

The trick is being clever with space. I know all about this, as renting a room in a north London house share means I most definately do not have the luxury of extra storage space.

I’m going to share with you some tips and let you in on how I keep my stuff organised without taking up too much space, and also without breaking the bank.

Let’s start with bracelets and bangles….
I use a chrome kitchen roll holder which cost me around Β£2 in a home discount store. Its the perfect shape for bracelets and it still looks nice.

For big beaded necklaces and heavy jewellery…
Sticking with the chrome theme, I bought this Kitchen cup holder tree in the same pound shop for less than a fiver!

For small trinket bits and bobs…..
I use this little dish which is quite cute and small so it saves on space.

*** TOP TIP ***
For small earrings, studs, hair clips and elastics, I use this little beauty……

It is, again, a kitcken item intended to be a cutlery holder but I think the different sized compartments are pefect for keeping these things tidy. It’s also another pound shop purchase πŸ˜‰

I have a small chrome coat rack hanging on the inside of my wardrobe door for belts and any other necklaces I have ( and yes, you guessed it, I have a lot of crap!!)

So there you have it, the use of Kitchen accessories in the bedroom is a clever way of de-cluttering and also makes getting ready in the mornings so much less stressful!

Happy organising πŸ™‚


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6 Responses to Super organised!

  1. Rebecca Kenny Doyle says:

    you have changed my life…putting into action asap!!! ❀

  2. Susan Ryan says:

    Geniusness! I’m sending a link of this to Claire, she’s the only person I’ve ever met with as much jewelry and accessories as you, and that’s saying something! πŸ™‚

  3. clare says:

    Top Tips xx

  4. Pamela Lynch says:

    Love it!!! Thanks x x

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